Thursday, December 19, 2013
Bubbling Spring
"Whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give will become in you a spring of water bubbling up to eternal life." ~John 4:14
"Jesus said: I am not your master, for you have drunk, and have become drunk from the bubbling spring which I have caused to gush forth." ~Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, 13
What is this bubbling spring? Where is it located? How can one drink from it?
These words of Jesus are not symbolic. The spring he describes is actual. It bubbles out of an open heart, the heart chakra, flowing with an inward Light that is not figurative but substantial, an energy as real as any material object in the world of the senses.
Christian Gnostics called the heart center, "the Bridal Chamber." When the divine Shakti of Mary Magdalene rises up the spine in the process of Yoga (including such practices as kriya, pranayama, and meditation) She enters into the sacred marriage rite. This is the ancient "hieros gamos." Here in the heart She meets the Bridegroom Christ, the Shiva-tattva who descends from the stars above through the crown chakra. So our sacred ground energy rises from below to meet the starry energy descending from above. Mother Earth and Father Sky meet in the center of our own body, the Bridal Chamber of the heart.
The diamond radiance that gushes from their union transforms both soul and body into one new substance in whom the old duality of spirit and matter is dissolved. We may called this substance "Glory." I call it "Radiance." It is the stuff of the "Resurrection Body," or "Spiritual Body," described by Paul in the New Testament book, First Corinthians. But we do not need to wait for death to find this body. We can begin the yogic and shamanic practices right now that will transform our energy into its more vibrant, refined and illuminated state.
The Radiance of the Resurrection Body was always dormant in our physical body. The physical is the external trellis on which the subtler flower takes shape. Now with the opening of the fountain of the heart, this inward blossom becomes conscious energy. It becomes the luminous healing breath of Prana, and infuses the physical form, raising the vibration of every atom.
The new ecstatic energy of our Radiance is like sap, flowing from the inward blossom into the outer body to begin the alchemical process of transmutation that, over seven lifetimes, results in the final incarnation of an immortal ascended body. The ascended body can function in heavenly worlds or on earth. It transcends matter and spirit; It is a body composed of glory and grace. We will function in such a body one day, and be truly useful to the universe. At this moment in our history, the time is ripe for an evolutionary leap that will raise our vibrations considerably toward the incarnation of this divine-human body.
Masters like Jesus already function in this kind of body now. Jesus spoke of this body when he invited us all to infuse the physical form with the Radiance of the inner light. In the Gospel of John he said, "These things which I do, you shall do also."And in the Gospel of Matthew he said, "The inner eye (consciousness) is the lamp of your body. If your eye is one, then your whole body will be filled with light."
Great Masters of the Holy Tradition have not come to be worshiped as Gods. They have come as our Elder Brothers and Sisters to teach us the Shamanic and Yogic processes that will transform us into beings just like them.
Therefor, the greatest service one could perform for humanity is to awaken the heart and begin this process of transformation now.
To the materially-minded, this sounds like a narcissistic delusion. But the materially-minded have created a civilization so deranged, so violent, so full of falsehood and injustice, that their opinion can hardly be taken seriously.
As for the economic problems they claim they would solve through political and economic means, these issues can never be solved on an economic or political level. For they are only the outward masks of our inward lack of consciousness. Our socio-economic problems arise from unbridled greed for wealth and power. Yet this craving for wealth is a misdirected quest for what we find within the fountain of the heart. That radiance is our birthright and our real wealth. When we find it, greed dissolves in gratitude. This is the solution for both rich and poor.
Our economic and political crisis is the effect of an inward and spiritual void. We think we can fill the inner void with the stuff of the material world - property, conquest, authority, sexual domination. This delusion is the root of all our addiction, crime, exploitation, corruption and war. The problem is not the economic system, and its solution does not lie in changing the system. The problem is our ignorance about what we're really looking for.
We are looking for our hearts. We need to turn our outward quest 180 degrees around. We need to embrace the very lack we feel within. We need to embrace our own hollowness as a spiritual act, and hold the space of our emptiness like a sacred cup.
What are we really looking for? We are looking for what is looking.
Then the wine steward will come fill the grail of the heart with a sparkling vintage, the wine of divine Radiance. Only this divine light, bubbling from the heart as a fountain of love, brings fulfillment. It satisfies beyond any taste of the material world. This is the only experience that ends craving, and thus ends the cause of our economic or political problems.
Establishing contentment in the heart, we can simplify our lives, reducing wants to needs, until ordinary things become sacraments. This is the real economy.
To take a simple breath of air is to sip the sweetest nectar. Who needs liquid wine? To behold a wildflower is to bow before a monarch's throne. When awake, the human body is a palace; why would anyone need a mansion? Our nakedness is the most beautiful garment ever woven. Sit down gracefully, stand up mindfully, walk with bare feet on wet grass: this is the royal Way. Gaze into each others eyes: this incalculable wealth.
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