Friday, September 27, 2013

Your Body is the Flower of Silence

A beautiful soul said to me with longing, "I miss the silence! How can I find it again?" This touched me so deeply, I cried. It is the most important question, the question of a child yearning for the Mother, the question of one who could not ask it unless every particle of her body was already pervaded by the answer!

My darling, do not look for silence in the mind. The mind is never silent.

Instead, find silence through the body. Don't pay attention to New Age voices that say, "You are not this body." Your body is sacred. Of course you are this body, and much much more...

The body, not the mind, is the gate of meditation. We need no longer separate spirit from matter, nor heaven from earth.

Let mind dissolve into sensation, sensation into energy, energy into emptiness: the path to Holy Spirit through Holy Matter.

Become aware of your cells. Let mind descend into every cell of the body. Feel all your cells vibrating as one sensation. The astonishing intelligence of nature carries out the infinite complexity of cell physiology without any planning, without any thinking. Let your mind rest in bewilderment, be-wilded and witnessing the primal Radiance of your body....

Listen to the bell-bowl of each cell. Feel those hollow spaces throughout your flesh: the cavity in the mid-brain, eyeballs, nostrils, ears and throat, chest, heart, belly, abdomen, bone marrow. How spacious is the body, how empty!

Now become aware of the vacuum in a single atom, at any point in the body. Enter that  silent subatomic expanse.... 

Now be aware of a black hole in the center of the densest proton. Fall into That. Feel the silence...

Let every particle of your body dissolve into the void, yet the void cannot but hum and sparkle with virtual photons, waves of purest clarity.... Now you discover the womb of creation, where matter and consciousness have not yet divided into subject and object. You've returned to your source in true Silence, and the mind is thunderstruck.

Layam vraja: "Dissolve now!"

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